Please refer to the steps below on how to install Nutanix CE in Nested VM for lab testing purpose
The following VM will be builded in ESXi 6.0 Host
No | Name | IP Address |
1 | LAB-NTX1 | |
CVM (Nested VM) | | |
2 | LAB-NTX2 | |
CVM (Nested VM) | | |
3 | LAB-NTX3 | |
CVM (Nested VM) | |
- Download
Nutanix CE-2018.05.01 which is around 4.2GB - Extract the downloaded ce-2018.05.01-stable.img.gz with 7Zip and rename it ce-flat.vmdk
Rename-Item "ce-2018.05.01-stable.img" "ce-flat.vmdk"
- Create a ce.vmdk with the text below with Notepad
# Disk DescriptorFile
# Extent description
RW 14540800 VMFS "ce-flat.vmdk"
# The Disk Data Base
ddb.adapterType = "lsilogic"
ddb.geometry.cylinders = "905"
ddb.geometry.heads = "255"
ddb.geometry.sectors = "63"
ddb.longContentID = "2e046b033cecaa929776efb0a63adc2a"
ddb.uuid = "60 00 C2 9b 69 2f c9 76-74 c4 07 9e 10 87 3b f9"
ddb.virtualHWVersion = "10"
- Create a New Port Group called – Isolated Test with Promiscuous Mode & Forged Transmits = Accept
- Connect to vCenter with PowerCLI
#Import VMware Module
Import-Module VMware.VimAutomation.Core
#connect to Dr vCenter
Connect-VIServer -Server -User '[email protected]' -Password 'XXXXXX' -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
- Provision a New VM
#Provision VM
#Check Which Datastore for VM with "Get-Datastore"
#Check Port Group to use with "Get-VirtualPortGroup"
$VNet="Isolated Test"
#Provision VM
New-VM -Name $VM `
–VMHost $VMHost `
-Datastore $DataStore `
-MemoryGB 32 `
-NumCpu 4 `
-NetworkName $VNet
#Change NetworkAdapter to E1000
Get-VM $VM | Get-NetworkAdapter | Set-NetworkAdapter -Type e1000 -Confirm:$false
- Copy the downloaded ce.vmdk & ce-flat.vmdk to Datastore
New-PSDrive -Location (Get-Datastore $DataStore) -Name ds -PSProvider VimDatastore -Root "\"
Copy-DatastoreItem -Item E:\Nutanix\* -Destination ds:\$VM\
- Remove the default Hard Disk, and attached the uploaded ce.vmdk to SCSI 0:0
Get-HardDisk -VM $VM | Remove-HardDisk -DeletePermanently -Confirm:$false
$VMDisk = (Get-Datastore -Name $DataStore)
New-HardDisk -VM $VM -DiskPath "[$VMDisk] /$VM/ce.vmdk"
#change Scsi Controller to ParaVirtual
Get-ScsiController -VM $VM | Set-ScsiController -Type ParaVirtual
- Create 1 x 200GB SSD & 1 x 500GB SATA HDD (Thin Provisionin to save space)
#Attach to SCSI0:1
New-HardDisk -VM $VM -CapacityGB 200 -StorageFormat Thin
#Attach to SCSI0:2
New-HardDisk -VM $VM -CapacityGB 500 -StorageFormat Thin
- Enter the following to treat the 200GB HDD as SSD in ESXi Host – Only Applicable if you do not have SSD HDD installed in ESXi host
New-AdvancedSetting -Entity $VM -Name Scsi0:1.virtualSSD -Value 1 -Confirm:$false
- Enable Intel VT for vCPU
$spec = New-Object VMware.Vim.VirtualMachineConfigSpec
$spec.nestedHVEnabled = $true
(Get-VM -Name $VM).ExtensionData.ReconfigVM($spec)
- Power On the VM
Start-VM -Name $VM
Username = root , Password = nutanix/4u (Default Username & Password)
Edit /home/install/phx_iso/phoenix/ and Change SSD_rdIOPS_& SSD_wrIOPS_thresh thresh from 5000 to 10 as we are deploying Nutanix CE in Nested ESXi 6.0 wihtout SSD Hard Disk to reduce the default IOPS requirement for Nutanix CE
If you do not modify the file above, you will enoucount error during the installation of Nutanix CE and you will NOT be proceed further
- Shutdown the VM
shutdown -h now
- Covert the VM to Template with PowerCLI
Set-VM $VM -ToTemplate -Confirm:$false
- Deploy 3 x New VM from Template
New-VM -Name "LAB-NTX1" -Template $VM -Datastore $Datastore -VMHost $VMHost
New-VM -Name "LAB-NTX2" -Template $VM -Datastore $Datastore -VMHost $VMHost
New-VM -Name "LAB-NTX3" -Template $VM -Datastore $Datastore -VMHost $VMHost
#PowerOn the VM
Start-VM -Name "LAB-NTX1"
- Enter Username = install with BLANK Password to start the installation
- Click Proceed to continue
2 x HDD is detected and click proceed to continue
You might need to modify the /home/install/phx_iso/phoenix/ to reduce the requirement of IOPS if you VM running in Nested VM is very slow – Refer to Step 14 for more information
- Enter the IP Information for Nutanox CE and Scroll down to the end of the EULA. Click start to continue
- Wait for the installation to complete
SSH to the Nutanix Host, and verify the CVM is running
virsh list --all
- SSH to one of the CVM, and ensure that you can ping all the CVM node. Start to build Nutanix Cluster with
cluster -s,, create
- Verfiy all the components are up and running
cluster status
- login to PRISM via with Username = admin & Password = nutanix/4u and reset the default password
You can login to one of the CVM with to reset the admin password
Enter the credential to login to Nutanix NEXT Portal – Internet Connection is required
Management console of PRISM