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Install Checkmk Agent on Windows Server

Steps to install Checkmk agent on Windows Server

Refer to Install Checkmk Raw Edition on CentOS 7 to prepare the CheckMK Server

  1. Download the check_mk_agent.msi directly via https://FQDN-CHECKMK/checkmk/check_mk/agents/windows/check_mk_agent.msi or download it manual in WATO – Configuration – Monitoring Agents – check_mk_agent.msi

Install Checkmk Agent on Windows Server

  1. Install check_mk_agent.msi with add default settings

  1. Verify the checkMKService is running
PS C:\> Get-Service |? Name -like "CheckMkService"

Status   Name               DisplayName
------   ----               -----------
Running  CheckMkService     Check MK Service
  1. Verify TCP Port 6556 is listening
PS C:\> Get-NetTCPConnection | ? {($_.State -eq "Listen") -and ($_.LocalPort -eq "6556")}

LocalAddress                        LocalPort RemoteAddress                       RemotePort State       AppliedSetting OwningProcess
------------                        --------- -------------                       ---------- -----       -------------- -------------                             6556                             0          Listen                     4852
  1. Allow inbound TCP 6556 if Windows Firewall is enabled
# Allow inbound TCP 6556
New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "In-TCP-6556" -Description "CheckMK Agent" -Direction Inbound -Protocol TCP -LocalPort 6556 -Action Allow

Add Windows Hosts to Checkmk Dashboard

  1. Go to WATO – Configuration – Hosts – Create New Host

Install Checkmk Agent on Windows Server

  1. Enter the hostname, IP Address of Window Server with check_MK Agent checked. Click Save & Go to Services to continue

Install Checkmk Agent on Windows Server

  1. Select the services, like CPU Utilization, Space for File System, Memory and Pagefile, Network Interface and ect and click changes

Install Checkmk Agent on Windows Server

  1. Click Activate Affected to commit changes

Install Checkmk Agent on Windows Server

Check_MK Discovery

Check_MK Discovery Rule Set is used to check for unmonitored services automatically and it will prompt for warning message below if any unmonitored services are discovered.

Install Checkmk Agent on Windows Server

Disable the Check_MK Discovery Rule Set Globally

  1. Go to WATO – CONFIGURATION – Hosts – Hostname – Parameters and click on Periodic Service Discovery

Install Checkmk Agent on Windows Server

Click Edit

Install Checkmk Agent on Windows Server

Change to Do Not Perform Periodic Service Discovery Check and commit the changes

Install Checkmk Agent on Windows Server

It should be no warning message for Check_MK Discovery in the dashboard now

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