Tutorial on how to Migrate Exchange 2003 to Office 365 with CodeTwo Office 365 Migration using the same lab prepared for Migration from Windows 2003 AD to 2016
Sync AD Users & Groups to Office 365 with Azure AD Connect
Install Azure AD Connect by following Azure AD Connect for Exchange Hybrid Migration but DO NOT check Exchange Hybrid Deployment
Select Azure AD App and Attribute Filtering
Click Next to continue
Uncheck msExchMailboxGuid to allow Office 365 to provision a New Mailbox for Users
Verify AD Users are synchronized to Office 365
Get-MsolUser | ? LastDirSyncTime -NE $null | Select DisplayName, UserPrincipalName, LAstDirSyncTime, IsLicensed
DisplayName UserPrincipalName LastDirSyncTime IsLicensed
----------- ----------------- --------------- ----------
UAT4 TEST [email protected] 6/13/2020 7:08:49 PM True
On-Premises Directory Synchronization Service Account [email protected] 6/13/2020 6:17:09 PM False
UAT2 TEST [email protected] 6/13/2020 7:08:49 PM True
Mailbox Migration with CodeTwo Office 365 Migration
CodeTwo Office 365 Migration is used to migrate existing mailbox from Exchange 2003 to Office 365
Download CodeTwo Office 365 Migration 30 Days License which can be used to migrate first 10 items only
Messaging API and Collaboration Data Objects Package will be installed
Click Next
Click I Accept the terms and Licenses Agreement to continue
Accept the default installation path C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeTwo\Office 365 Migration
Click Create a new migration job
Select Exchange Server
Enter a job name called ExchangeToO365
Select Add New Source Connection to connect to Exchange 2003 Server
Select MAPI Protocol
Click Yes to continue
Select Autodiscover Exchange Server or enter the Exchange 2003 server manually
Enter Credential of Domain Admin
Click Configure to continue
Ensure that it can connect to Exchange 2003 successfully
Click Next to continue
Select Add New Target Connection to define the connection to Office 365
Select Office 365 Global
Select Automatic Registration and click Log in Office 365 Admin
You might encounter the following error message if Active Scripting is NOT enabled in Internet Explorer (IE)
Go to Internet Option – Security – Internet – Custom Level – Scripting – Active Scripting to enable Active Scripting
Click Accept
Click Configure to continue
Ensure that the connection to Office 365 is configured successfully.
Click Next to continue
Click Next to continue
Click Yes to continue and we will match the mailbox manually later
Do NOT enable Scheduler and click Next to continue
Select Migrate all items regardless of thier age
Click Next to continue
Click Next to continue
Click Finish
Migration Job is created successfully
Migrate Exchange 2003 to Office 365
All the mailboxes in Exchange 2003 will be listed automatically. Right click on the user’s mailbox and select Match Target Mailbox to migrate all user’s folders in thier mailbox to Office 365
Select Choose an existing user from the list or Manually enter existing mailbox address if user’s UPN is different with thier Email Address
Select the User account in Office 365
Click Start and CodeTwo will perform the following tasks automatically
- Assign Office 365 License to the user
- Provision a new empty mailbox in Office 365
- Migrate all folders in User’s Mailbox to the new Mailbox in Office 365
Verify the Migration Status changed to Finished once all the folders had been copied to the new mailbox in Office 365
Right Click on the user account and select View Mailbox Report to verify all items are copied successfully
Click on Job in Reports tab to generate Migration Status Report
Cut Over Migration
Steps to perform Cut Over Migration
- Update the existing Autodiscover & MX records to point to Office 365
- Create a new profile in Microsoft Outlook to point Office 365
- Verify all the users’ previous folders are synchronized to thier new mailbox successfully
Lastly, click Rescan to perform synchronization for any latest items delivered to Exchange 2003 since last full synchronization to Office 365.
We had used CodeTwo Office 365 Migration Manager to complete the migration of 200 users’ mailbox from Exchange 2003 to Office 365 successfully within one week without any major issue encountered.
Change User Principal Name (UPN) to match with Email Address on Office 365
Login to Office 365 & Exchange Online with PowerShell
$OldUPN = "[email protected]"
$NewUPN = "[email protected]"
Set-MsolUserPrincipalName -UserPrincipalName $OldUPN -NewUserPrincipalName $NewUPN