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Install Checkmk Agent on Windows Server
Steps to install Checkmk agent on Windows Server
Refer to Install Checkmk Raw Edition on CentOS 7 to prepare the CheckMK Server
- Download the check_mk_agent.msi directly via https://FQDN-CHECKMK/checkmk/check_mk/agents/windows/check_mk_agent.msi or download it manual in WATO – Configuration – Monitoring Agents – check_mk_agent.msi
- Install check_mk_agent.msi with add default settings
- Verify the checkMKService is running
PS C:\> Get-Service |? Name -like "CheckMkService"
Status Name DisplayName
------ ---- -----------
Running CheckMkService Check MK Service
- Verify TCP Port 6556 is listening
PS C:\> Get-NetTCPConnection | ? {($_.State -eq "Listen") -and ($_.LocalPort -eq "6556")}
LocalAddress LocalPort RemoteAddress RemotePort State AppliedSetting OwningProcess
------------ --------- ------------- ---------- ----- -------------- ------------- 6556 0 Listen 4852
- Allow inbound TCP 6556 if Windows Firewall is enabled
# Allow inbound TCP 6556
New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "In-TCP-6556" -Description "CheckMK Agent" -Direction Inbound -Protocol TCP -LocalPort 6556 -Action Allow
Add Windows Hosts to Checkmk Dashboard
- Go to WATO – Configuration – Hosts – Create New Host
- Enter the hostname, IP Address of Window Server with check_MK Agent checked. Click Save & Go to Services to continue
- Select the services, like CPU Utilization, Space for File System, Memory and Pagefile, Network Interface and ect and click changes
- Click Activate Affected to commit changes
Check_MK Discovery
Check_MK Discovery Rule Set is used to check for unmonitored services automatically and it will prompt for warning message below if any unmonitored services are discovered.
Disable the Check_MK Discovery Rule Set Globally
- Go to WATO – CONFIGURATION – Hosts – Hostname – Parameters and click on Periodic Service Discovery
Click Edit
Change to Do Not Perform Periodic Service Discovery Check and commit the changes
It should be no warning message for Check_MK Discovery in the dashboard now
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