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How to Check Actual Usage of vmdk file

Steps on how to check actual usage of vmdk file

Using PowerCLI

(Get-VM -Name IB-MBX02).ExtensionData.LayoutEx.file | ? Name -like "*flat*" | Select Name, `


Name                                           Size
----                                           ----
[SAN1-Datastore] IB-MBX01/IB-MBX01-flat.vmdk     89
[SAN1-Datastore] IB-MBX01/IB-MBX01_1-flat.vmdk   27
[SAN1-Datastore] IB-MBX01/IB-MBX01_2-flat.vmdk 1285
[NFS-QUANTUM] IB-MBX01/IB-MBX01-flat.vmdk      3072

Using du -h

Login to ESXi via SSH / Console, and

[root@IB-ESX01:/vmfs/volumes/56791c92-2dd6912d-4683-44a84228b775/IB-MBX01] du -h IB-MBX01_2-flat.vmdk
1.3T    IB-MBX01_2-flat.vmdk

Report for all VMs with PowerCLI

$Report =@()

foreach ($VM in Get-VM) {

    $view = Get-View $VM
    $Row = '' | Select Name, VMDKs, VMDKSize, VMDKUsed, Thin
        $Row.Name = $VM.Name
        $Row.VMDKs = $view.config.hardware.Device.Backing.Filename | Out-String
        $Row.VMDKsize = $view.config.hardware.Device | where {$_.GetType().name -eq 'VirtualDisk'} | ForEach-Object {($_.capacityinKB)/1048576} | Out-String
        $Row.VMDKUsed = ($VM.ExtensionData.LayoutEx.file | ? Name -like "*flat*") | % {[math]::round(($_.Size/1GB),2)} | Out-String
        $Row.Thin = $view.config.hardware.Device.Backing.ThinProvisioned | Out-String
    $Report += $Row
    $Report | Select Name, VMDKs, VMDKSize, VMDKUsed, Thin |  Export-Csv C:\Temp\Report1.csv -NoTypeInformation

Sample of Report

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