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How to manage HPE MSA2050 using CLI

Some of the useful commands on how to manage HPE MSA2050 using CLI

Login to HPE MSA2050 via SSH to list all the available commands

abort copy - Aborts a copy volume operation
abort replication - Aborts the current replication operation for the specified replication set
abort scrub - Aborts a media scrub operation
abort verify - Aborts a media verify operation
add disk-group - Creates a disk group using specified disks
add host-group-members - Adds hosts to a host group
add host-members - Adds initiators to a host
add spares - Designates specified available disks to be spares
add volume-group-members - Adds virtual volumes to a volume group
check firmware-upgrade-health - Checks that the system is ready for a firmware upgrade
clear cache - Clears unwritable cache data from both controllers
clear disk-metadata - Clears metadata from leftover disks
clear events - Clears the event log in controller A, B, or both
clear expander-status - Clears the counters and status for SAS expander lanes
clear fde-keys - Clears the lock key ID and import lock ID used with Full Disk Encryption
clear replication-queue - Clears the replication queue for a specified replication set
copy volume - Copies all data in a specified source volume to a destination volume
create certificate - Creates or removes a custom security certificate
create chap-record - Creates a CHAP record to authenticate iSCSI login requests
create host-group - Creates a host group that includes specified hosts
create host - Create a host with an associated name
create peer-connection - Creates a peer connection between two storage systems
create replication-set - Creates a replication set for a specified volume or volume group
create schedule - Schedules a task to run automatically
create snapshots - Creates a snapshot of each specified source volume
create task - Creates a task that can be scheduled
create user - Creates a user account
create volume-group - Creates a volume group that includes specified volumes
create volume-set - Creates a specified number of volumes in a virtual pool
create volume - Creates a volume in a virtual pool
delete all-snapshots - Deletes all snapshots associated with a specified source volume
delete chap-records - Deletes a specified CHAP record or all CHAP records
delete host-groups - Deletes specified host groups and optionally all hosts in those groups
delete host - Deprecated -- use "delete initiator-nickname"
delete hosts - Deletes specified hosts that are not in a host group
delete initiator-nickname - Deletes manually created initiators or the nicknames of discovered initiators
delete peer-connection - Deletes a peer connection between two storage systems
delete pools - Deletes specified pools
delete remote-system - Deletes the persistent association with a remote system
delete replication-set - Deletes a replication set
delete schedule - Deletes a task schedule
delete snapshot - Deletes specified snapshots
delete task - Deletes a task
delete user - Deletes a user account
delete volume-groups - Deletes specified volume groups and optionally all volumes in those groups
delete volumes - Deletes specified vodequarantine - Removes a disk group from quarantine
down disk - Simulates disk group degradation due to loss of a disk
exit - Log off and exit the CLI session
expand volume - Expands a base volume
fail - Forces the partner controller module to crash for a non-maskable interrupt
help - Shows brief help for all available commands or full help for a specific  command
load license - Used by the SMU to install a license file to control use of licensed features
map volume - Maps specified volumes using settings that override the volumes' default  mapping
meta - In XML API format only, shows all property metadata for objects
ping - Tests communication with a remote host
query peer-connection - Queries a storage system to potentially use in a peer connection and shows  information about the storage system via the in-band query
release volume - Clears initiator registrations and releases persistent reservations for all or  specified volumes
remove disk-groups - Removes specified disk groups
remove host-group-members - Removes specified hosts from a host group
remove host-members - Removes specified initiators from a host
remove spares - Removes specified spares
remove volume-group-members - Removes volumes from a volume group
replicate - Initiates replication of volumes in a replication set
rescan - This command forces rediscovery of disks and enclosures in the storage system
reset all-statistics - Resets performance statistics for both controllers
reset controller-statistics - Resets performance statistics for controllers
reset disk-error-statistics - Resets error statistics for all or specified disks
reset disk-group-statistics - Clears resettable performance statistics for specified disk groups, and  resets timestamps for those statistics
reset disk-statistics - Resets performance statistics for disks
reset host-link - Resets specified controller host ports (channels)
reset host-port-statistics - Resets performance statistics for controller host ports
reset pool-statistics - Clears resettable performance statistics for virtual pools, and resets  timestamps for those statistics
reset smis-configuration - Resets the SMI-S configuration files
reset snapshot - Replaces the data in a standard snapshot with the current data from its parent volume
reset volume-statistics - Resets performance statistics for all or specified volumes
restart mc - Restarts the Management Controller in a controller module
restart sc - Restarts the Storage Controller in a controller module
restore defaults - Restores the default configuration to the controllers
resume replication-set - Resumes the replication operations for the specified replication set
rollback volume - Replaces the data in a parent volume with the data from one of its snapshots
scrub disk-groups - Analyzes specified disk groups to find and fix disk errors
set advanced-settings - Sets advanced system configuration parameters
set auto-write-through-trigger - Deprecated -- use "set advanced-settings"
set awt - Deprecated -- use "set advanced-settings"
set cache-parameters - Deprecated -- use "set volume-cache-parameters"
set chap-record - Changes an iSCSI originator's CHAP record
set cli-parameters - Sets options that control CLI behavior
set controller-date - Sets date and time parameters for the system
set debug-log-parameters - Sets the types of debug messages to include in the Storage Controller debug  log
set disk-group - Changes parameters for a disk group
set disk-parameters - Sets parametersset disk - Performs a secure erase on a specified disk
set email-parameters - Sets SMTP notification parameters for events and managed logs
set enclosure - Sets an enclosure's name, location, rack number, and rack position
set expander-fault-isolation - Temporarily disables PHY fault isolation for a specific Expander Controller
set expander-phy - Disables or enables a specific PHY
set fde-import-key - Sets or changes the import lock key for the use of Full Disk Encryption
set fde-lock-key - Sets or changes the lock key for the use of Full Disk Encryption
set fde-state - Changes the overall state of the system for the use of Full Disk Encryption
set host-group - Sets the name of a host group
set host-name - Deprecated -- use "set initiator"
set host-parameters - Sets controller host-port parameters for communication with attached hosts
set host-port-mode - Changes host-interface characteristics for host ports in converged network controllers
set host - Sets the name of a host and optionally the profile of the host and the  initiators it contains
set initiator - Sets the nickname of an initiator and optionally its profile
set iscsi-parameters - Changes system-wide parameters for iSCSI ports
set job-parameters - Deprecated -- use "set advanced-settings"
set led - Turns a specified device's identification LED on or off to help you locate the device
set network-parameters - Sets parameters for controller module network ports
set ntp-parameters - Sets Network Time Protocol (NTP) parameters for the system
set password - Sets a user's password for system interfaces (such as the CLI)
set peer-connection - Modifies a peer connection between two systems
set pool - Sets parameters for a virtual pool
set prompt - Sets the prompt for the current CLI session
set protocols - Enables or disables management services and protocols
set replication-set - Changes parameters for a replication set
set schedule - Changes parameters for a specified schedule
set snapshot-space - Sets the snapshot space usage as a percentage of the pool and thresholds for  notification
set snmp-parameters - Sets SNMP parameters for event notification
set syslog-parameters - Sets remote syslog notification parameters for events and managed logs
set system - Sets the system's name, contact, location, and description
set task - Changes parameters for a TakeSnapshot or VolumeCopy task
set user - Changes user preferences for the session or permanently
set volume-cache-parameters - Sets cache options for a specified volume
set volume-group - Sets the name of a volume group
set volume - Changes parameters for a volume
show advanced-settings - Shows the settings for advanced system-configuration parameters
show auto-write-through-trigger - Deprecated -- use "show advanced-settings"
show awt - Deprecated -- use "show advanced-settings"
show cache-parameters - Shows cache settings and status for the system and optionally for a volume
show certificate - Shows the status of the system's security certificate
show channels - Deprecated -- use "show ports"
show chap-records - Shows CHAP records for iSCSI originators
show cli-parameters - Shows the current CLI session preferences
show configuration - Shows system configuration information
show controller-date - Shows the system's current date and time
show controller-statistics - Shows lishow controllers - Shows information about each controller module in the storage system
show debug-log-parameters - Shows which debug message types are enabled (On) or disabled (Off) for  inclusion in the Storage Controller debug log
show disk-group-statistics - Shows live performance statistics for disk groups
show disk-groups - Shows information about disk groups
show disk-parameters - Shows disk settings
show disk-statistics - Shows live or historical performance statistics for disks
show disks - Shows information about disks or disk slots in the storage system
show email-parameters - Shows email (SMTP) notification settings for events and managed logs
show enclosures - Shows information about the enclosures in the storage system
show events - Shows events logged by each controller in the storage system
show expander-status - Shows diagnostic information relating to SAS Expander Controller physical  channels, known as PHY lanes
show fans - Shows information about each fan in the storage system
show fde-state - Shows Full Disk Encryption information for the storage system
show fenced-data - Shows information about fenced data blocks in the storage system
show frus - Shows SKU and FRU (field-replaceable unit) information for the storage system
show host-groups - Shows information about host groups and hosts
show host-maps - Deprecated -- use "show maps" with the "initiator" parameter
show host-parameters - Deprecated -- use "show ports"
show host-phy-statistics - Shows diagnostic information relating to SAS controller physical channels,  known as PHY lanes, for each host port
show host-port-statistics - Shows live performance statistics for each controller host port
show hosts - Deprecated -- use "show initiators"
show initiators - Shows information about initiators
show inquiry - Shows inquiry data for each controller module
show iscsi-parameters - Shows system-wide parameters for iSCSI ports
show job-parameters - Deprecated -- use "show advanced-settings"
show license - Shows the status of licensed features in the storage system
show maps - Shows information about mappings between volumes and initiators
show network-parameters - Shows the settings and health of each controller module's network port
show ntp-status - Shows the status of the use of Network Time Protocol (NTP) in the system
show peer-connections - Shows information about a peer connection between two systems
show pool-statistics - Shows live or historical performance statistics for virtual pools
show pools - Shows information about virtual pools
show ports - Shows information about host ports in both controllers
show power-supplies - Shows information about each power supply in the storage system
show protocols - Shows which management services and protocols are enabled or disabled
show provisioning - Shows information about how the system is provisioned
show redundancy-mode - Shows the redundancy status of the system
show refresh-counters - In XML API format only, shows when the data represented by the basetype was last updated
show remote-systems - Shows information about remote systems associated with the local system
show replication-sets - Shows information about replication sets in the peer connection
show replication-snapshot-history - Shows information about the snapshot history for all replication sets or a  specific replication set
show sas-link-health - Shows the condition of SAS expansion-port connections
show schedule-details - Deprecated -- use "show schedules"
show schedules - Shows information about task schedules
show sensor-status - Shows information about each environmental sensor in each enclosure
show sessions - Shows information aboshow shutdown-status - Shows whether each Storage Controller is active or shut down
show snapshot-space - Shows snapshot-space settings for each virtual pool
show snapshots - Shows information about snapshots
show snmp-parameters - Shows SNMP settings for event notification
show syslog-parameters - Shows syslog notification parameters for events and managed logs
show system-parameters - Shows certain storage-system settings and configuration limits
show system - Shows information about the storage system
show task-details - Deprecated -- use "show tasks"
show tasks - Shows information about tasks
show tier-statistics - Shows live performance statistics for tiers
show tiers - Shows information about tiers
show unwritable-cache - Shows the percentage of unwritable cache data in the system
show users - Shows configured user accounts
show versions - Shows firmware and hardware version information for the system
show volume-copies - Shows information about in-progress copy volume operations
show volume-groups - Shows information about specified volume groups or all volume groups
show volume-maps - Deprecated -- use "show maps"
show volume-names - Shows volume names and serial numbers
show volume-reservations - Shows persistent reservations for all or specified volumes
show volume-statistics - Shows live performance statistics for all or specified volumes
show volumes - Shows information about volumes
shutdown - Shuts down the Storage Controller in a controller module
suspend replication-set - Suspends the replication operations for the specified replication set
test - Sends a test message to configured destinations for event notification and  managed logs
trust - Enables an offline disk group to be brought online for  emergency data recovery
unfail controller - Allows the partner controller module to recover from a simulated failure  performed with the "fail" command (which requires the manage role)
unmap volume - Deletes explicit mappings or the default mapping for specified volumes
verify disk-groups - Analyzes redundant disk groups to find and fix inconsistencies between their  redundancy data and their user data
verify links - Verifies FC or iSCSI host-port link paths between controller A and controller B
versions - Deprecated -- use "show versions"

Show Enclosure

Overall information for enclosure

# show enclosure
Encl Encl WWN         Name                  Location              Rack Pos  Vendor   Model            EMP A CH:ID Rev   EMP B CH:ID Rev   Midplane Type  Health     Reason Action
1    500C0FF03CE3763C                                             0    0    HP       SPS-CHASSIS      01:063 3206       00:063 3206       2U24-6Gv2      OK
Success: Command completed successfully. (2020-03-06 08:36:17)

Show frus

Shows SKU and FRU (field-replaceable unit) information for the storage system

Serial No for Midplane which is required when you contact HP Technical Support for part replacement is displayed

# show frus
Part Number: K2R80A
Serial Number: 2S6650B089
Revision: C2

Part Number: 639410-001
Serial Number: 2S6650B089
Revision: M
Dash Level:
FRU Shortname: Midplane/Chassis

Show System

Shows information about the storage system

# show system
System Information
System Name: Uninitialized Name
System Contact: Uninitialized Contact
System Location: Uninitialized Location
System Information: Uninitialized Info
Midplane Serial Number: 00C0FF3CE376
Vendor Name: HPE
Product ID: MSA 2050 SAN
Product Brand: MSA Storage
SCSI Product ID: MSA 2050 SAN
Enclosure Count: 1
Health: OK
Health Reason:
Other MC Status: Operational
PFU Status: Idle
Supported Locales: English (English), Spanish (español), French (français), German (Deutsch), Italian (italiano), Japanese (日本語), Korean (한국어), Dutch (Nederlands), Chinese-Simplified (简体中文), Chinese-Traditional (繁體中文)

Success: Command completed successfully. (2020-03-06 07:57:29)

Show Controllers

Check the Serial No and some detail information for Controllers

# show controllers
Controller ID: A
Serial Number: 7CE837M428
Hardware Version: 1.0
CPLD Version: 1.9
MAC Address: 00:C0:FF:3C:FD:87
WWNN: 208000C0FF3CE376
IP Address:
IP Subnet Mask:
IP Gateway:
Disks: 6
Virtual Pools: 1
Disk Groups: 1
System Cache Memory (MB): 8192
Host Ports: 4
Disk Channels: 2
Disk Bus Type: SAS
Status: Operational
Failed Over to This Controller: No
Fail Over Reason: Not applicable
Multi-core: Disabled
Health: OK
Health Reason:
Health Recommendation:
Position: Top
Phy Isolation: Enabled
Controller Redundancy Mode: Active-Active ULP
Controller Redundancy Status: Redundant

Controller ID: B
Serial Number: 7CE837M445
Hardware Version: 1.0
CPLD Version: 1.9
MAC Address: 00:C0:FF:3C:FD:8A
WWNN: 208000C0FF3CE376
IP Address:
IP Subnet Mask:
IP Gateway:
Disks: 6
Virtual Pools: 1
Disk Groups: 1
System Cache Memory (MB): 8192
Host Ports: 4                        Disk Channels: 2
Disk Bus Type: SAS
Status: Operational
Failed Over to This Controller: No
Fail Over Reason: Not applicable
Multi-core: Disabled
Health: OK
Health Reason:
Health Recommendation:
Position: Bottom
Phy Isolation: Enabled
Controller Redundancy Mode: Active-Active ULP
Controller Redundancy Status: Redundant

Success: Command completed successfully. (2020-03-06 07:59:20)

Show Disks

Show how many Hard Disks installed

# show disks
Location   Serial Number         Vendor   Rev   Description Usage         Jobs Speed (kr/min)  Size     Sec Fmt    Disk Group Pool Tier     Health
1.1        88N0A01YFF4F          HP       HPD1  SAS         VIRTUAL POOL       10              1200.2GB 512n       dgA01      A    Standard OK
1.2        88N0A0BGFF4F          HP       HPD1  SAS         VIRTUAL POOL       10              1200.2GB 512n       dgA01      A    Standard OK
1.3        88N0A0DTFF4F          HP       HPD1  SAS         VIRTUAL POOL       10              1200.2GB 512n       dgA01      A    Standard OK
1.4        88N0A0EBFF4F          HP       HPD1  SAS         VIRTUAL POOL       10              1200.2GB 512n       dgA01      A    Standard OK
1.5        88N0A0FQFF4F          HP       HPD1  SAS         VIRTUAL POOL       10              1200.2GB 512n       dgA01      A    Standard OK
1.6        88N0A03CFF4F          HP       HPD1  SAS         VIRTUAL POOL       10              1200.2GB 512n       dgA01      A    Standard OK
Info:  * Rates may vary. This is normal behavior. (2020-03-06 08:04:33)

Success: Command completed successfully. (2020-03-06 08:04:33)

Show Pools

Check Pools created

# show pools
Name Serial Number                    Blocksize Total Size Avail    Snap Size OverCommit  Disk Groups Volumes  Low Thresh  Mid Thresh  High Thresh  Sec Fmt   Health     Reason Action
A    00c0ff3cfd8700005885185c01000000 512       3594.9GB   2748.6GB 0B        Enabled     1           2        50.00 %     75.00 %     94.02 %      512n      OK
Success: Command completed successfully. (2020-03-06 08:02:46)

Show Disk-Groups

Check RAID type created for particular Disk Group

# show disk-groups
Name   Blocksize Size     Free     Pool Tier     % of Pool  Own Pref   RAID   Disks Spr Chk  Status Jobs      Job%      Serial Number                    Spin Down
  SD Delay              Sec Fmt   Health     Reason Action
dgA01  512       3594.9GB 2748.6GB A    Standard 100        A   A      RAID10 6     0   512k FTOL                       00c0ff3cfd8700005785185c00000000 Disabled
  0                     512n      OK
Success: Command completed successfully. (2020-03-06 08:06:30)

Show Volumes

Check volumes created

# show volumes
Pool Name     Total Size Alloc Size Type Health Reason Action
A    Vol0001  1123.9GB   620.4GB    base OK
A    Vol0002  549.9GB    225.8GB    base OK
Success: Command completed successfully. (2020-03-06 08:08:00)

Show Hosts

Check ISCSI host created

# show hosts
Host ID                                             Host Name    Discovered Mapped Profile  Host Type
iqn.1991-05.com.microsoft:thp-svredms.thprop.local               No         No     Standard iSCSI
iqn.1991-05.com.microsoft:thp-svredms               THP-SVREDMS  Yes        Yes    Standard iSCSI
Success: Command completed successfully. (2020-03-06 08:08:59)
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