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Setup Aruba Outdoor Point to Point Network

Tutorial on how to Setup Aruba Outdoor Point to Point Network

The Aruba Instant secure enterprise mesh solution is an effective way to expand network coverage for outdoor and indoor enterprise environments without any wires

Any provisioned IAP that has a valid uplink (wired or 3G) functions as a mesh portal, and the IAP without an Ethernet link functions as a mesh point.

Mesh IAPs detect the environment when they boot up, locate and associate with their nearest neighbor, to determine the best path to the mesh portal

  1. Mesh Portals – A mesh portal (MPP) is a gateway between the wireless mesh network and the enterprise wired LAN. It will broadcasts a mesh services set identifier (MSSID/ mesh cluster name) to advertise the mesh network service to other mesh points in that Instant network and mesh points authenticate to the mesh portal and establish a link that is secured using Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption.

  2. Mesh Point – The mesh point establishes an all-wireless path to the mesh portal and support LAN Bridging

Steps to Setup Aruba Outdoor Point to Point Network

Components used in this lab

  • 2 x Aruba AP 275 with firmware
  • No conection between 2 AP 275 during deployment as we are going to use Standalone Mesh Mode
  • Console Cable to be connected to Console Port

Setup Aruba Outdoor Point to Point Network

Reset to Factory Default

Reset both AP 275 to Factory Default and Reboot

b4:5d:50:c8:e7:0a# write erase all
Are you sure you want to erase the configuration? (y/n): y
Erase configuration all.

Convert to Standalone Mode

Interrupt AP boot by pressing enter and convert both AP 275 to Standalone Mode

When an Instant AP is converted to function in stand-alone mode, it cannot join a cluster of Instant APs even if the Instant AP is in the same VLAN

apboot> setenv standalone_mode 1
apboot> setenv uap_controller_less 1

Name & Static IP Address for AP

Configure Static IP Address & Name for both AP 275

apboot> setenv name AP-HQ
apboot> setenv ipaddr
apboot> setenv netmask
apboot> setenv gatewayip

Verify the parameter configured with printenv, save the config with saveenv and boot up ArubaOS

apboot> printenv
apboot> saveenv
apboot> boot

Basic Configuration

Login with default username = admin, and password = admin and verify the AP 275 is running on Standalone Mode

AP-HQ# show swarm mode

Swarm Mode       :Standalone
Reason           :Manual provision

Configure Country Code, time zone and disabled Extended-SSID to reduce the support for only 6 x WLAN SSIDs

Extended-SSID MUST to be disabled for Point to Point link

AP-HQ# conf t
AP-HQ (config) # virtual-controller-country MY
AP-HQ (config) # name AP-HQ
AP-HQ (config) # no extended-ssid
AP-HQ (config) # clock timezone Kuala-Lumpur 08 00

Change the default admin password

AP-HQ (config) # hash-mgmt-user admin password cleartext P@ssw0rd!@#$

Delete the default SSID Profile – SetMeUp

AP-HQ (config) # no wlan ssid-profile SetMeUp

Mesh Cluster Name & Key

Configure the same Cluster Name = PointToPoint & Cluster Key = P@ssw0rd on both AP 275

AP-HQ# no mesh-disable
AP-HQ# mesh-cluster-name PointToPoint
AP-HQ# mesh-cluster-key $$P@di$$

Verify the Mesh Cluster Name & Key are configured successfully

AP-HQ# sh ap-env

Antenna Type:Internal
Need USB field:No

Bridge Mode on Mesh Point (Remote AP) only

Change the port to trusted and bring up the uplink in default_wired_port_profile

AP-SITE (config) # wired-port-profile default_wired_port_profile
AP-SITE (wired ap profile default_wired_port_profile) # trusted
AP-SITE (wired ap profile default_wired_port_profile) # no shutdown

Enable bridge mode on the uplink port

AP-SITE# enet0-bridging

Save Configuration and Reboot

Save the configuration and reboot both AP 275

AP-SITE# wri mem
AP-SITE# reload 

Laptop connected to AP-SITE should be able to ping to the Firewall IP via Point to Point Link once both AP 275 is up, and Mesh Link is established successfully

Setup Aruba Outdoor Point to Point Network

Verification of Mesh Cluster and Links

Verify the status of Mesh Cluster

AP-HQ# sh ap mesh cluster status

Mesh cluster      :Enabled
Mesh cluster name :PointToPoint
Mesh role         :Mesh Portal
Mesh mobility     :Disabled

Verify the Mesh Cluster Topology

AP-HQ# sh ap mesh cluster topology

Mesh Cluster name: PointToPoint
Name   AP Type  Mesh Role    Parent  IP Address    Path Cost  Node Cost  Link Cost  Hop Count  Rate Tx/Rx  RSSI  Last Update  Uplink Age  Children  Portal AP  Children List
----   -------  ---------    ------  ----------    ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ----------  ----  -----------  ----------  --------  ---------  -------------
AP-HQ  AP-275   Portal (AC)  -  0          1          0          0          -           0     2m:20s       2h:46m:1s   1         AP-HQ      AP-SITE

Total APs: 1
(N): 11N Enabled. (AC): 11AC Enabled. (AD): 11AD Enabled. (AX): 11AX Enabled. For Portals 'Uplink Age' equals uptime.

Verify the Mesh Link is established successfully

AP-HQ# sh ap mesh link

Neighbor list
MAC                Portal             Channel  Age  Hops  Cost  Relation                 Flags  RSSI  Rate Tx/Rx  A-Req  A-Resp  A-Fail  HT-Details        Cluster ID
---                ------             -------  ---  ----  ----  -----------------        -----  ----  ----------  -----  ------  ------  ----------        ----------
b4:5d:50:0e:70:b0  b4:5d:50:0f:61:91  36E      0    1     1.00  C 2h:23m:56s             VLK    68    1300/1300   2      2       0       VHT-80MHzsgi-3ss  cabf254f8195fce8d901b3cce7092ea

Total count: 1, Children: 1
Relation: P = Parent; C = Child; N = Neighbor; B = Blacklisted-neighbor
Flags: R = Recovery-mode; S = Sub-threshold link; D = Reselection backoff; F = Auth-failure; H = High Throughput; V = Very High Throughput, E= High efficient, L = Legacy allowed
        K = Connected; U = Upgrading; G = Descendant-upgrading; Z = Config pending; Y = Assoc-resp/Auth pending
        a = SAE Accepted; b = SAE Blacklisted-neighbour; e = SAE Enabled; u = portal-unreachable; o = opensystem

Verify the status of Mesh Cluster

AP-SITE# sh ap mesh cluster status

Mesh cluster      :Enabled
Mesh cluster name :PointToPoint
Mesh role         :Mesh Point
Mesh mobility     :Disabled

Verify the Mesh Cluster Topology

AP-SITE# sh ap mesh cluster topology

Mesh Cluster name: PointToPoint
Name     AP Type  Mesh Role   Parent  IP Address    Path Cost  Node Cost  Link Cost  Hop Count  Rate Tx/Rx  RSSI  Last Update  Uplink Age  Children  Portal AP  Children List
----     -------  ---------   ------  ----------    ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ----------  ----  -----------  ----------  --------  ---------  -------------
AP-SITE  AP-275   Point (AC)  AP-HQ  1          0          0          1          6/1300      56    2m:5s        2h:17m:48s  0         AP-HQ      -

Total APs: 1
(N): 11N Enabled. (AC): 11AC Enabled. (AD): 11AD Enabled. (AX): 11AX Enabled. For Portals 'Uplink Age' equals uptime.

Verify the Mesh Link is established successfully

AP-SITE# sh ap mesh link

Neighbor list
MAC                Portal  Channel  Age  Hops  Cost  Relation                 Flags  RSSI  Rate Tx/Rx  A-Req  A-Resp  A-Fail  HT-Details        Cluster ID
---                ------  -------  ---  ----  ----  -----------------        -----  ----  ----------  -----  ------  ------  ----------        ----------
b4:5d:50:0f:61:91  Yes     36E      0    0     1.00  P 2h:21m:33s             VLK    57    1300/1300   2      2       0       VHT-80MHzsgi-3ss  cabf254f8195fce8d901b3cce7092ea

Total count: 1, Children: 0
Relation: P = Parent; C = Child; N = Neighbor; B = Blacklisted-neighbor
Flags: R = Recovery-mode; S = Sub-threshold link; D = Reselection backoff; F = Auth-failure; H = High Throughput; V = Very High Throughput, E= High efficient, L = Legacy allowed
        K = Connected; U = Upgrading; G = Descendant-upgrading; Z = Config pending; Y = Assoc-resp/Auth pending
        a = SAE Accepted; b = SAE Blacklisted-neighbour; e = SAE Enabled; u = portal-unreachable; o = opensystem


Verify the POE Source

PoE+ is required for Aruba AP 275 to function properly

Verify the Power Source is showing POE-AT (PoE+)

AP-SITE# show ap debug system-status | begin "Power Status"
Power Status
Item                        Value
----                        -----
Power Supply                : POE-AT
LLDP Power                  : Successfully negotiated at 25.5W
Current Operational State   : No restrictions (Overridden by LLDP)
HW POE status               : POE-AF

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