Please refer to the following high level of Migration Plan
- Review and verify the Pre-Requisite<
- Purchase and activate your Office 365 Plan
- Associate the Public Domain Name to Office 356 with TXT records verified
- Assign Full Access for Mailbox
#Assign Full Access Permission for Administrator in Exchange 2007 Server using PowerShell ISE
Add-PSSnapIn Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.Admin
#Exclude Administrator Mailbox
Get-Mailbox -ResultSize unlimited -Filter {(RecipientTypeDetails -eq 'UserMailbox') -and (Alias -ne 'Administrator')} `
| Add-MailboxPermission -User administrator -AccessRights fullaccess -InheritanceType all
- Create the Cut Over Migration Batch to sync Mailboxes & Distribution Group from Exchange 2007 to Office 365 – It might take very long time to complete – However the users, mailboxes & Distribution Group will be appeared in Office 365 portal first while the mailbox database will be synced in background
- Users, Mailboxes & Distribution Group will be shown in Office 365 Portal once the Migration Batch is completed, and we will need to perform the following tasks
Assign Password and force users to change their password on next sign on
#Updating Password for O365 Users in Bulk
Get-MsolUser | ? UserPrincipalName -ne "[email protected]" `
|%{Set-MsolUserPassword -userPrincipalName $_.UserPrincipalName –NewPassword P@ssw0rd!@#$ -ForceChangePassword $true}
#Set Usage Location to MY - Else License cannot be assigned
Get-MsolUser | ? UserPrincipalName -ne "[email protected]" `
|%{Set-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName $_.UserPrincipalName -UsageLocation "MY"}
#Assign Office 365 License
Get-MsolUser -All -UnlicensedUsersOnly | Set-MsolUserLicense -AddLicenses $O365License
#Allow Distribution Group to receive Email from anyone - Default is configured to accept from Internal Users only
Get-DistributionGroup | Set-DistributionGroup -RequireSenderAuthenticationEnabled $false
Monitoring & Troubleshooting
#Status of Migration Batch
#More detail Status of Migration Batch
#List all users in the Migration Batch
#More detail information for individual user
Get-MigrationUserStatistics -Identity [email protected] | fl
A. Public SSL Certificate for Outlook Anywhere
Go to and select Outlook Connectivity
Ensure the Outlook Anywhere is tested successfully
B. Objects that will be provisioned in Office 365 Automatically
- User Account including all the Description, like Department, Job title and etc. However, Existing Users’ Password is NOT being replicated
- Distribution Group with members – Distribution Group will be configured to accept Email from internal Sender ONLY
- Mailboxes, including the X500 and SMTP Address
C. Limitation of Cutover Migration
- Administrator will need to have FULL ACCESS permission assigned to all mailboxes
- Only a Single cutover batch can exist and you cannot filter or select which Mailboxes / Distribution Group to be assigned in different Migration Batch ** You will need to delete and recreate the Migration Batch to include additional users
- The initialize Sync might take very long time, depend on the size of the mailboxes and the status of your Migration batch will say “Synced” once it is completed. The deltas will continue to run every 24 hours.
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